
Nathalie Forest Branch Manager

Nathalie Wide

Nathalie Forest

Branch Manager

Nathalie Forest has been in charge and manages the operations of the Quebec branch since her arrival in 2005. Mrs. Forest has also been responsible for the business development of the branch’s major accounts since its inception. With more than 18 years of experience in recruiting and managing the workforce, including more than 14 years in the information technology (IT) sector, she assures the growth of the branch through professional staffing and contingent workforce in the Quebec City area.

She manages and guides its sales and recruitment teams by advocating a human approach, results oriented and footprint of the highest quality standards. This approach has allowed the Quebec City branch to carve out a place of choice among the region’s largest clients and has earned an excellent reputation. Born in Quebec City, Ms. Forest holds a Bachelor of Law degree from l’Université Laval. Achieving the highest peaks in women’s tennis rankings to a junior international level has led her to travel all over the world. As a mother of two children, she is sensitive to charitable organizations in the region and makes a point of contributing to it and investing in it when the opportunity arises.


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