Watch our Webinar on Direct Sourcing Program Design

Alex MacKenzie

Vice President

Wendy Kennah​

Vice President, Recruiting

Watch our Webinar on Direct Sourcing Program Design

Alex MacKenzie

Vice President

Wendy Kennah​

Vice President, Recruiting

Watch our Webinar on Direct Sourcing Program Design
Direct Sourcing is one of the hottest topics in contingent talent acquisition. Organizations are looking for innovative ways to improve access to contingent talent, but at the same, time are trying to minimize costs. Direct Sourcing is growing in popularity as a strategy to help achieve both goals.

There are several factors to consider when designing a Direct Sourcing Program including setting goals for your program, establishing your business process, determining your resourcing and technology requirements , and most importantly, weighing the benefits.

Listen in as our experts discuss direct sourcing program design, namely how to strutcure a future-ready program, benchmarking, the role of the MSP or intrenal progranm office and how technology fits into your program.