Insights from inside


Chris Beckage

Vice President, Business Development USA

Get tips for overcoming American hiring challenges and building your talent pool with insights from Chris Beckage.

Wendy Kennah

Vice President, Recruiting

Drill down deeper into how to find and engage quality talent faster with insights from Wendy Kennah.

Alex MacKenzie

Vice President

Learn how Direct Sourcing can reduce reliance on staffing agencies and improve quality of hire with insights from Alex MacKenzie.

Lucas Drury-Godden

Branch Manager

Discover tips for building your Direct Hire/Permanent Placement business with insights from Lucas Drury-Godden.

Mark Galloway

Vice President

Discover how to get the most out of your Contractor Payroll Program with insights from Mark Galloway.

Irene de Guzman

Director, Recruiting

As the Director of Recruiting with Procom Consultants Group, Irene de Guzman oversees a department

See what’s trending at Procom

Procom Acquires Chicago Office to Expand IT Staffing Services in the US

CHICAGO, IL:  Procom, a leading IT staffing company in North America, is excited to announce the acquisition of NueVista Group, marking a significant expansion of its operations in the U.S. The acquisition of the new Chicago office is a significant milestone, as it bolsters the company's geographic reach and strengthens …

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Procom Acquires Chicago Office to Expand IT Staffing Services in the US

CHICAGO, IL:  Procom, a leading IT staffing company in North America, is excited to announce the acquisition of NueVista Group, marking a significant expansion of its operations in the U.S. The acquisition of the new Chicago office is a significant milestone, as it bolsters the company's geographic reach and strengthens …

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