
Wendy Kennah Vice President, Recruiting

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Wendy Kennah

Vice President, Recruiting

Wendy is responsible for the strategic direction, development and growth of Procom’s recruitment service delivery strategy and operation in the organization.

With over 20 years of experience including headhunting, corporate and agency recruitment, Wendy is a dynamic and results-oriented individual with a unique perspective that helps Procom continue to evolve. 

Wendy has a refined ability to build, manage and enhance  recruitment delivery processes and has been responsible for a number of major initiatives within Procom, including the selection and implementation of Procom’s enterprise applicant tracking and CRM system across all of Procom’s North American locations.

Actively involved with Holiday Helpers charity for over 10 years, Wendy joined its board in 2010 as donor coordinator. A resident of Toronto, she holds a diploma in Resource Management from Humber College and a HBA, Business Administration from the Ivey Business School at Western University.

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